Hick Chick Chat: A Farmland Review

Leah GuffeyAudio, Hick Chick Chat, USFRA

11326519286_c9a07ae0bf_oEarlier this year during Commodity Classic I first learned about the movie Farmland. Since I’d been away from the world of agriculture for a few years, I missed the preparations and planning for this groundbreaking documentary. At this point a trailer was out giving us all an opportunity to watch and learn a bit more about the film. Over the next several months we saw stories and interviews with the farmers and ranchers who were featured in it. Then it happened, it was released to the world with positive feedback. With limited chances to view the film in its entirety, I turned to Hulu to finally take it in myself and you can too.  

10379016_1607274999498947_6900745005405091864_nFarmland isn’t just a documentary it’s really a story that you can find outside the lights of your local community. I’ve lived in the country (which I prefer), on an Army post, in a city and in the gorgeous state of Maine. I can tell you the one thing that I’ve missed each and every time I’ve left the country has been the smell of freshly cultivated dirt, the view of the crops growing, the scent of livestock and the constant need to pull over for the larger-than-me equipment on the road. Yet, I think of all of those who haven’t heard this story. The people I’ve worked with that haven’t known the difference between corn and soybeans or what a combine looked like and how it worked. I’m no expert, but I do love to share the story of the hard working people who grow and harvest our food. The movie Farmland does just that. The stories are no different than those created by the farmer or rancher that lives down the road from you. My dad once told me that sometimes the way of life is worth the paycheck. Farming is an amazing way of life.

You can listen to my chat here: [wpaudio url=”http://www.zimmcomm.biz/podcast/hickchickchat-14-farmlandreview.mp3″ text=”Hick Chick Chat Farmland: The Movie”]

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