Hick Chick Chat with Bill Northey

Leah GuffeyAudio, Farm Progress Show, Government, Hick Chick Chat

11326519286_c9a07ae0bf_oDuring the 2014 Farm Progress Show I got to Hick Chick chat with Iowa Ag Secretary Bill Northey.

_DSC0113We talked about the importance of having the Farm Progress Show in Iowa, how the corn and soybean crops look this year, his hope of being elected to another four year term as agriculture secretary for the state, and what he learned serving as president of the National Association of State Departments of Agriculture for 2011/12.

You can listen to my chat with Bill here: [wpaudio url=”http://www.zimmcomm.biz/podcast/hickchickchat-14-northey.mp3″ text=”Hick Chick Chat with Bill Northey, Iowa Ag Secretary”]

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