Convert Stubble to Profits with Bio S.I. Technology’s SD 25

Jamie JohansenAgribusiness, agronomy

Screen Shot 2014-09-02 at 9.36.11 AMStubble is most commonly associated with grain crops and is referred to as the crop debris leftover in the fields post-harvest. The tops of crops like corn, wheat, barley and rye are harvested for grain and the leftover stalks, typically ranging between 6-14 inches high, are left to decay in the field. The leftover debris, or stubble, must be dealt with in order to eliminate pathogenic contaminants and clear the ground for future planting. Typically in the past, farmers would slash and burn debris. As regulations and concerns over pollution and soil contamination have intensified, stubble is now more commonly shredded and left on the ground as mulch or collected and sold as livestock bedding. Bio S.I. Technology’s SD 25 stubble digester penetrates leftover debris to breakdown stubble, naturally composting and recycling valuable nutrients back into the soil and returning profits to farmers’ pockets.

Leftover stubble can play host to a multitude of harmful pathogens and diseases. In order to avoid crop failure and assure successful planting, growers must rid fields of stubble. Rather than old labor-intensive techniques, farmers can improve soil tilth and convert leftover stubble to valuable nutrients with the help of “stubble digesters”. The SD 25 stubble digester accelerates the rate of decomposition using a proprietary mixture of cellulose digesting microbial fungi, a broad range of other naturally occurring microbes, and humic acid as an added source of carbon to fuel beneficial microbial activity.

According to Bio S.I. founder, Wayne Tucker, “SD 25 works beyond growing seasons to prepare fields for future planting by releasing the nutrients tied up in leftover debris. Plant debris can be a real problem for the next planting season for some growers. SD 25 helps farmers recycle nutrients they have already paid for plus the benefits of adding carbon (humus) to help retain water and nutrients in their fields.”

Digested stubble also unlocks and releases usable nitrogen and phosphate back into the soil, which can be more valuable than most farmers realize. For every 1-2 tons of stubble that is digested, growers will save about $175 an acre in recovered fertilizer costs. These substantial savings in input costs and man hours will more than cover the costs of SD 25’s application and significantly improve any farm’s bottom line.

SD 25 is an all-natural microbial formula that is safe for organic use. Unlike other stubble digesters, SD 25 is soil-borne and free of preservatives and urea, which makes it safe for use in any setting. After harvest and before the first freeze growers should apply the initial application. SD 25 can be used successfully in till and no-till regimens, although it is important to beat the first freeze because microbial activity and decomposition are significantly slowed by cold temperatures. Upon successful application, growers will notice debris is typically decomposed within 60-75 days.