Tech Symposium for UAV Uses on the Farm

Jamie JohansenAerial Imagery, Agribusiness, Aviation, technology, UAV

Delta_AgTech_color_croppedThe region’s most impressive showcase of high-tech agricultural innovation is just two weeks away! Register today for the Delta AgTech Symposium: Advancing UAVs in Agriculture, to be held July 7-8, 2014, at Agricenter International in Memphis.

Entira, Inc., an agricultural marketing and management firm, with support from the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI), is organizing the two-day conference that will showcase the on-farm uses of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Advanced registration is available and encouraged at, though walk-ins are welcome. Event organizers are offering discounts for groups: Register 10 or more at $125/attendee; register 20 or more at $100/attendee.

The Delta AgTech Symposium will bring together crop consultants, agronomists, farmers, and the businesses who serve them, along with UAV manufacturers and researchers, to collectively explore how this technology can be integrated into farming practices. The two-day event—sponsored by FarmSpace Systems and Horizon Precision Systems—will include UAV technology and flight demonstrations, speakers, and a trade show for organizations to share their knowledge and solutions. Confirmed speakers include leaders from the following organizations: Federal Aviation Administration, FarmSpace Systems, AUVSI, Middle Tennessee State University, National Agricultural Aviation Association, NextGen Air Transportation Center at the Institute of Transportation Research and Education at North Carolina State University, Horizon Precision Systems, RoboFlight Systems, and Ausley McMullen, a law firm working with emerging UAS regulations. In addition, there will be a panel discussion on matching end-user needs to technologies. Many of the event speakers will also be part of our exhibit area, along with AgriImage and UAVExperts.Aero, among others.

According to a report from AUVSI, it is estimated that agriculture will account for 80 percent of all UAV commercial usage, with public safety use coming in at a distant second. More of UAVs’ potential role in agriculture is discussed on Entira’s news page.

I spoke to Kelli Polatty with Entira about the upcoming event and she shared how excited they are to be able to provide information to growers from across the country about UAV technology. Listen to my complete interview with her here: [wpaudio url=”″ text=”Interview with Kelli Polatty – Entira”]