Cotton Growers Battle against Herbicide Resistance

Talia GoesAgribusiness, Weed control

WSSAlogoFor nearly a decade, cotton growers have been battling to save crops from the ravages of glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri). Though in many ways they are finally gaining the upper hand, an expert with the Weed Science Society of America (WSSA) says the progress has come at a great cost.

Palmer amaranth is no ordinary foe. This prolific weed can grow an inch or more a day and achieve heights of nearly 10 feet. It crowds out crops, draws moisture and nutrients from the soil and has a stem tough enough to damage rugged farm equipment. To add to the challenge, a single plant can produce hundreds of thousands of seeds – turning a limited incursion into an all-out infestation.

Today integrated weed management programs that complement glyphosate with a variety of other weed control tools and techniques have become commonplace in cotton. Growers have added herbicides to their weed control programs that use a different mode of action than glyphosate. They also are using two approaches that may seem decidedly “old school.” More than 90 percent of cotton growers in Georgia are now hand-weeding a significant portion of their cotton crop, Culpepper says. They also are tilling more to keep Palmer amaranth at bay.

Though the multifaceted approach is working, there are definite downsides. Additional herbicides, labor and fuel have tripled the cost of weed control in cotton and that means profit margins are declining. In addition, increased tillage raises concerns about soil erosion from water and wind.

Scientists and growers are collaborating on new options. One of the latest involves the use of heavily planted winter rye as a cover crop for cotton. Once the rye is established, it is rolled down to create a thick, horizontal bed of mulch that can reduce Palmer amaranth infestations by as much as 70 to 90 percent.