John Deere’s machine guidance portfolio expands by two products, which can also be used on select non-John Deere platforms.
New AutoTrac Controller expands its AutoTrac SF1, SF2 and RTK compatibility on more vehicles such as select Case IH Magnum and MX Series tractors. AutoTrac Controller provides similar performance levels to competitive systems and enhanced performance compared to our current AutoTrac Universal (ATU) system,” says Mark Theuerkauf, factory-marketing manager for John Deere Ag Management Solutions.
Combine guidance for older John Deere combines and non-John Deere machines and corn heads is now possible with the new AutoTrac RowSense Universal. Theuerkauf says this unique guidance system expands on our current offering of AutoTrac RowSense as it similarly utilizes both GPS-based and mechanical-feeler data to accurately guide the combine on the corn row; however it now supports a more universal appeal. This system reduces operator fatigue and allows operators to more efficiently harvest downed corn or harvest in curve pass conditions while it helps the machine operate at peak efficiency throughout the day.
“For customers who grow corn and operate the AutoTrac Universal Steering Kit on John Deere and non-John Deere combines – this is the system you most definitely want. And, if you harvest corn in varying crop conditions, or on varying terrain, AutoTrac RowSense Universal has shown to boost productivity. Plus, you get a higher return on your investment by being able to utilize AutoTrac throughout the growing season,” explains Theuerkauf.