Precision Crop Yields in Wired Magazine

Kurt LawtonPrecision Ag in the News

News of Missouri high-yield precision guru, Kip Cullers, hit the mainstream technology scene when featured in a recent story in Wired magazine.

Wired, known for covering everything techie (but rarely agriculture) in an off-the-wall style, offered an interesting look at Kip, calling him a “genius in the science of yield, and some argue a frontline warrior in the burgeoning global food crisis.”

The piece cited his 155 bushel soybean and 329 bushel corn yields as evidence–along with his “open-source” penchant for sharing knowledge with peers during field days.

And while you’re at it, check out the magazine’s November 2008 issue with its cover story on “The Future of Food: How Science Will Solve the Next Global Crisis.” Very interesting piece.